The Best Main Street in Michigan

Main Street area is in the heart of downtown Ann Arbor and the Main Street Area Association (MSAA) is dedicated to keeping our neighborhood businesses strong and vital. We work together to create visibility and improve the Main Street area in many ways, including:

  • Advocating for a clean and convenient downtown

  • Communicating downtown planning and development

  • Organizing and facilitating Main St. Area Events

  • Supporting police foot patrols for neighborhood safety

  • Beautifying and improving downtown landscape

  • Networking with area businesses

  • Maintaining communication between municipal entities and businesses

  • Promoting downtown businesses and downtown


Members of MSAA include area restaurants, banks, real estate, attorneys, retail and service businesses, as well as public and private organizations. Our goal is to preserve Main Street area’s rich history while building a prosperous and inviting business environment that will ensure a dynamic future.

We’re proud of the Main Street area neighborhood and we extend an invitation to you to be a part of “The Best Main Street in Michigan”.

MSAA Mission Statement:
Main Street Area Association is a membership based association of local businesses, organizations and individuals committed to the long term success and vitality of Downtown Ann Arbor.